No Poo update
I took this picture Saturday morning, 2 days after the baking soda/vinegar cleaning and 6 days after a shampoo. Still looking good. I am trying to get the top of my head in the shots b/c that is where it will look greasiest first. (sorry if t.m.i.!)
Apparently with this process, you go through a period where your hair will be kind of yuck for a week or so and then it is supposed to look better and be healthier than ever before if you can wait it out. So far, I would say that my hair has definitely got a heavier feel to it, but with lots of brushing to distribute the oils, it doesn't look too bad. It has officially been 8 days since I shampooed my hair and I plan on doing baking soda/vinegar treatment on Thursday. More updates to come.
Now on to the work for the day: pick up black walnuts that have fallen over the weekend, (I can literally sit on the back porch at night and listen to the thud as the walnuts hit the ground) make and can another 2 batches salsa, make and freeze applejuice concentrate, can pear halves, and make another big batch of applesauce to freeze.
Grace and peace with you!
Posted in: No Poo, Slow Lane on Monday, September 14, 2009 at at 10:48 AM