Don't Go There Shaun T!

Okay, I just did day 5 on the Insanity program.  I keep going back and forth on my motivation on this program.  I was reading on the message boards for Insanity that month one is just a warm up for month two.  The workouts get longer and harder.  Say what?!  So I really procrastinated doing the routine this morning.  I have been getting up and just getting right to it.  Today I didn't start until almost 8:30... dragging my heels as I was worried about the intensity that a workout titled "Pure Cardio" might entail.

But when I got into the warm up (that is really a loose term when applied to Insanity!) I could already see that it was easier for me than on day 2.  I could push harder and last longer on each exercise.  So I was feeling pretty good about that and it gave me the motivation to keep going.

But then... during the stretches Shaun T starts talking about how nervous he is about today's workout.  Can I just say that having Shaun T saying that he is nervous does not instill courage in us struggling beginners?!  lol...

But not to fear.  Yes, the workout kicked my posterior, but I was also encouraged again by my ability to keep going and it felt better than day two.  I also did noticeable better with the push up jacks.  A push up jack is where your feet go apart when you lower your chest, as if you were doing a jumping jack with your feet  I didn't have to do my "girl version" of push-ups with my knees on the ground.  I did full on push up jacks.  Now THAT is motivating!  I am truly amazed at the results I am already seeing in just five days.  Oh, and most of the intense soreness has moved out as well.  I guess I really can do this!

One more day and then a day off.
Bring it on!


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