Long time no write.

Sorry for not updating lately. I have been devoting a lot of my time to trying and get my other blog up online with its own site rather than being on blogspot. I haven't been getting much sleep, but hopefully I can catch a nap today with David home. We are in the beginning of the winter storm that was forecast for the day, and don't expect to go anywhere today. That is kind of a bummer because tonight was the Couples Fellowship at church. We were looking forward to having some social time with our fellow church goers.

The other blog, for those who don't know yet, is at http://www.kid-daze.blogspot.com/. I have already purchased my own domain name, and am working on web design currently. I am getting close to having that part done, then I just need to figure out all the logistics of being webmaster. It's a lot to wrap your brain around and take care of house and home too.

Monday, December 3, 2007
Update on that last part. I decided that it was actually well beyond my limited scope and instead went to work redesigning the blogspot site. I think it will be easier to maintain with the easy to use blogspot site. It is still under construction, but looking a lot more like something of my own creation than the generic template originally.

My attention here has also turned to the upcoming Iowa caucus. It is kind of a bonus that the political environment here is what it is. I look forward to participating in the caucus come January 3rd. It sounds like a highly interesting process. As for now, I don't know for sure who I want to support in the Republican party. What I do know is that there are multiple decent candidates to choose from. The only one I am dead set against is McCain and that stems from having him as a Senator in Arizona. But he doesn't seem to be getting much support so I am not worried about him. I am not too crazy about Rudy just because he is such a liberal republican and he was less than impressive on the CNN Republican debate. But on the other hand, I think if he gets on the ticket, he might be more likely to win b/c he is more liberal and would have a broader appeal.
I am worried about Hillary getting the Democratic ticket. If we have to have another democrat in the white house, I would take almost anyone over Hillary. I am thankful that Oprah has lent her support officially to Obama. I think it may just be what he needs to get the edge on Hillary.

Well, I am thinking I should bundle up the kids and head out front to try and chop up the ice in the driveway during the "heat" of the day. (37 right now, with wind chills of 29) Last I checked we were expecting more snow over the next couple of days. It would be nice not to still have a layer of ice on the drive before more precipitation comes.

Some snow pictures: From our first snow the day before Thanksgiving. We had almost 5 inches. Trinity loved eating it. (just like her first exposure to beach sand! lol!)

Here Trinity had thrown herself face forward into the snow. I think she was wanting to make a snow angel - just a novice at it!


  1. Oh my gosh. I am an user of bloglines for the past couple of months, so I don't always go to the actual site of the blogs I read since the new post (pics and all) show up on the bloglines page. Well, since you said that you had a new look, I thought I'd check it out. Then I saw the link that said "my favorite missionary family." I was like, "oh cool...this'll be interesting to see this family." :-) Imagine my surprise. So sweet of you! Gosh, don't you just love that we can keep track of each other even when we are so far away. I LOVE modern technology!! Also, I love the kid-daze site...GREAT ideas. I actually plan to make the "basket-weaving" placemats soon for craft time with the kids. I bough a laminator before we left and hofefully I can laminate them and use them for a long time. How fun! Thanks for all the great ideas.


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